To maintain coding stability and precise coding access

to Resources through a series of layers



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Blockchain  is a data storage technology consisting of a combination of two words, namely  Block  which means group and  Chain  which means chain.


The name reflects how  blockchain works,  which uses computer resources to create blocks that are connected to each other for the purpose of executing transactions.


As the name implies,  blockchain  is a sequential chain of blocks that are assembled and distributed together.

Each block consists of a  ledger (ledger ) and 3 (three) elements, namely Data, Hash, and Hash from the previous block. 

The type of data used in this technology depends on the purpose of the  blockchain  itself.


Hash contains data in the form of a signature or fingerprint or signature. Hash is used to identify the block and its entire contents in a unique code. The hash of the previous block is the part that carries the trail of the previous information while securing the blockchain chain  . 

Blockchain  is a technology for digital data storage systems.


How Blockchain Works

Blockchain starts when a block receives new information. The blockchain system   consists of transactions and blocks containing a series of cryptographic hashes and previous block hashes to form a network. Blockchain  works by recording immutable information. 

The decentralized nature of  blockchain means  that this technology does not need to rely on external authorities for validation and integrity of data authenticity. This process is a decentralized process that usually takes place between network nodes to ensure the information is valid. 


After the decentralization process, the data will be added into a new block. Each block contains a unique hash or code. Although the average blockchain transaction   is an investment, the fact is that  blockchain  can store various types of information in the same block. 


Blockchain Utilization

Blockchain  technology  can be utilized in the financial sector. The reason is, this technology can be likened to a digital cash book that can be accessed by anyone, anytime, and anywhere easily without the need to ask for approval from a financial institution like a bank. 


Blockchain  technology  has indirectly facilitated the entire transaction process. Transactions are also more secure and transparent so as to minimize data misappropriation, such as bribery or corruption.


Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Cryptocurrency is a dispersed system, over which no one person or company controls it. Blockchain code is not located on a central server operated by a company, but is spread across thousands of computers on the blockchain network.


Blockchain Advantage


1.     More Transparent System

Blockchain technology effectively keeps track of information and transactions. In fact, the system is proven to be safe and transparent. The reason is, when the transaction takes place,  public access  can be seen by all parties without the need to login.

Compared to the banking system the blockchain system is   very different. With blockchain technology  user information and funds cannot be used without the owner's knowledge. 


2.     Better Data Protection

The blockchain  database  is  append only , can only add and cannot be repaired. As a result, the blockchain  system is  difficult for hackers to penetrate  .


3.     Better Audit

Blockchain  allows users to know the audit trail of assets owned so that the risk of embezzlement of funds can be minimized. 



4.     Prevent Middleman Fees

The presence of  blockchain  indirectly eliminates middlemen or brokers who often increase transaction costs. Thanks to  blockchain,  all recording and verification activities are directed and  immutable .



3      Pillars of Blockchain Technology


1.    Decentralization

Before Bitcoin and BitTorrent existed, we were more used to centralized services. The idea is very simple. You have a centralized entity that stores all the data and you have to interact only with this entity to get any information you need.


Another example of a centralized system is a bank. They keep all your money, and the only way you can pay someone is through the bank.


2.    Transparency

One of the most interesting and misunderstood concepts in blockchain technology is “Transparency”. Some people say that blockchain gives you privacy while some others say it is transparent. 


3.    Immutability

Immutability in the context of Blockchain is that once something enters the Blockchain, it cannot be tampered with or hacked. Can you imagine how valuable something like this is to the Financial Institute




To compete with legacy payment processing systems, blockchain networks must become highly scalable — capable of hosting an exponentially growing number of users, transactions, and data. Only by incorporating sufficient scalability into its structure can blockchain networks replace other legacy systems. 


1.     The Layer-1 solution adds utility to the native blockchain to optimize its performance. 


2.     Layer-2 solutions are third-party protocols that integrate with the underlying Layer-1 blockchain to increase transactional throughput.




Blockchain Scalability

Blockchain decentralization refers to a meaningful distribution of computing power and consensus across the network, while security reflects the defense of blockchain protocols against malicious actors and network attacks. Both are considered non-negotiable for blockchain network functionality.


Also important is scalability, which refers to the ability of a blockchain network to support high transactional throughput and future growth. Scalability is very important as it represents the only way for blockchain networks to compete fairly with legacy and centralized platforms with fast turnaround times. 


Layer-1 Scaling Solution

In a decentralized ecosystem, Layer-1 networks refer to blockchains, while Layer-2 protocols are third-party integrations that can be used in conjunction with Layer-1 blockchains. 


Layer-1 solutions change protocol rules directly to increase transaction capacity and speed, while hosting more users and data. Layer-1 scaling solutions can require, for example, increasing the amount of data contained in each  block , or speeding up the rate at which blocks are authenticated, thereby increasing overall network throughput. 


Layer-2 Scaling Solution

Layer-2 refers to a network or technology that operates on top of the underlying blockchain protocol to increase its scalability and efficiency. This category of scaling solutions requires moving part of the transaction load of the blockchain protocol to a contiguous system architecture, which then handles the network processing load and only then reports back to the main blockchain to finalize the results. By abstracting most of the data processing into incremental architectures, the base layer blockchain becomes less dense — and ultimately more scalable.


The parent chain delegate works to the child chain which processes it and returns it to the parent upon completion. The underlying underlying blockchain does not take part in the functioning of the secondary chain network unless dispute resolution is required.



State Channel  (Government)

State channel facilitates two-way communication between blockchain and transactional channel  off-chain  d an increase the capacity and speed of the overall transaction. Status channels do not require validation by Layer-1 network nodes. 

Instead, it is a network-adjacent resource that is closed by means of a multi-signature or smart contract mechanism. 

When a transaction or set of transactions is completed on a state channel, the final "state" of the "channel" and all of its built-in transitions is logged to the underlying blockchain. 


Liquid Network

Government Channel

In the Trilemma Blockchain tradeoff, state channels sacrifice some degree of decentralization to achieve greater scalability.



A sidechain  is a transactional chain adjacent to a blockchain that is typically used for large batch transactions. 


The sidechain uses an independent consensus mechanism — that is, separate from the original chain — which can be optimized for speed and scalability. With the sidechain architecture, the main role of the main chain is to maintain overall security, confirm batch transaction records, and resolve disputes. 


Side chains are distinguished from state channels in several integral ways. First, sidechain transactions are not private between participants — they are publicly recorded to the ledger. Furthermore, side chain security breaches have no impact on the main chain or other side chains. 


Building a sidechain may require substantial effort, as infrastructure is typically built from the ground up.

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Life is application, and how to realized with your perform? ;
sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa wudhu mu tidak pernah batal
serta sholat mu tidak pernah putus..

Sebagai hamba-NYA sering kita lupa bahwa, Allah telah mengajarkan kepada kita untuk berbuat seperti apa yang Allah telah perintahkan lewat firman-firman-NYA, apa yang Allah telah perintahkan sesuai dengan syariat yang kerap kita kerjakan tanpa tahu makna yang hakiki atau lebih tanpa menuduh, kata-kata yang tepat adalah Kita Tidak Tahu. Iqro’….bacalah ya Muhammad; atas nama Tuhan mu, rasanya itu juga perlu dikaji lebih dalam lagi sehingga kalimat itu juga berlaku bagi kita di generasi kini. Karena janji Allah dalam (QS-Ghofir : 60)

Waqoola robbukum ud’uuni astajib lakum
mintalah hanya kepada-KU maka sesungguhnya AKU mengabulkan permintaan mu

sebab Doa adalah sumber ibadah. Sesunguhnya orang yang mendapat petunjuk itu adalah orang-orang beriman, dan hanya orang-orang yang berDoa yang mendapat petunjuk.
Sekarang mari kita kembali ke masalah wudhu dan sholat dikarenakan sholat adalah tiang agama (BENAR) bagaimana kita hidup dengan benar jika tidak menjalankan sholat? Lalu apa itu hakekat sholat?
Sholat adalah syariat, syariat adalah perbuatan, perbuatan adalah hidup, dan mati tidak dapat berbuat apapun. Maka sesungguhnya kerjakanlah sholat, untuk mengingatkan kita apa-apa yang harus kita perbuat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga sama apa yang kita lafazkan didalam bacaan sholat dengan perbuatan tingkah laku sehari-hari, missal : Rahman…Rahim…(berlakulah rahman dan rahim kepada sesama)
Aminullahu Akbar Bil haz Bil kamzi Robbul Ghafilun

Duhai hamba-hamba yang dikasihi Allah, para hamba yang Allah selalu tutup aibmu dan sekalipun kamu berdusta bahkan khianat kepada-NYA. Pernahkah kamu sekalian berfikir bagaimana jika satu perbuatan jelek yang kamu lakukan maka tumbuh satu benjolan diwajah mu? Tak bisa dibayangkan apabila itu terjadi, bila Allah Tuhan seru sekalian alam tidak tutup aib hamba-NYA untuk hidup selama satu bulan saja..maka ada 30 benjolan diwajahmu, bagaimana kita yang sudah hidup selama bertahun tahun kini?

Subhaanal ladzii biyadihii malakuutu kulli syai-iw wailaihi turja’uun
Maha Suci Allah yang semuanya dalam kekuasaan-NYA dan kepada-NYA kamu sekalian dikembalikan.

Betapa indah jika sekalian kita menjalankan apa yang Allah Tuhan mu ingatkan melalui wudhu mu; membasuh tangan 3x kanan dan kiri (maka jangan ambil yang bukan hak mu) kumur-kumur (janganlah berdusta, fitnah) membasuh kaki mu (jangan melangkah ketempat tempat maksiat) dan kemudian dilanjutkan sesuai dengan apa yang kamu sekalian lafazkan didalam sholatmu. Jika demikian tidaklah mustahil dunia ini aman tentram dan damai, Insyaallah..



Aqidah telah menanamkan keyakinan dihati bahwa Rizqi itu berada ditangan Allah SWT dan tidak seorang pun didunia ini sanggup mengaturnya.

Banyak keterangan dari kitab Allah SWT dan Sunnah yang menyakinkan hal itu kepada kita, diantaranya firman Allah :

“Dan tidak ada sesuatu yang melata dimuka bumi ini melainkan Allah lah yang menanggung rizqinya” (QS. Huud:6)

“Dan dilangit terdapat (sebab-sebab) Rizqimu dan terdapat (pula) yang dijanjikan kepadamu, maka demi Tuhan langit dan bumi, sesungguhnya yang dijanjikan itu adalah benar-benar (akan terjadi)seperti perkataan yang kamu ucapkan”

(QS.Adz Dzaariyaat:22-23)

33. Wa aayatul lahumul ardlul maitatu, ahyai naahaa wa akhrajnaa minhaa habban faminhu ya’kuluun.

Suatu tanda (kekuasaan Kami), Kami perlihatkan kepada mereka. Kami hidupkan (suburkan) bumi yang telah mati (kering) lalu Kami keluarkan biji-bijian yang dapat mereka makan.

34. Wa ja’alnaa fiihaa jannaatim min na-khiiliw wa a’naabiw wafajjarnaa minal’uyuun.

Kami jadikan disitu kebun-kebun kurma dan anggur, lalu Kami pancarkan padanya mata air yang mengalir.

35. Liya’-kuluu mintsamarihii wamaa ‘amilathu aidiihim, afalaa yasykuruun.

Agar mereka dapat memakan buah-buahan dan memetik hasil kerjanya, dari cucur peluh tangan mereka. Apakah tidak juga mau bersyukur (kepada yang menciptakan-NYA)

36. Subhaanalladzii khalaqal azwaaja kullahaa mimmaa tunbitul ardlu wamin anfusihim wamimmaa laa ya’lamuun.

Maha Suci Allah yang telah menciptakan segala sesuatu yang ditumbuhkan oleh bumi dan

bahkan dari mereka sendiri, dari apa yang tidak mereka ketahui. QS : Yasin 33-36

Sesungguhnya Ruhul Kudus (Jibril) telah meniupkan kedalam diriku (wahyu) bahwa seseorang tidak akan mati Rizqi dan Ajalnya telah disempurnakan. (Untuk itu) bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah, dan perbaguskanlah didalam mencari (rizqiNya)

Hadits lain menyebutkan :

“Jangan sekali-kali kelambatan rizqimu itu mendorong kamu untuk mencarinya dengan ma’ksiat kepada Allah SWT, sesungguhnya saat ini banyak manusia yang beramar ma’ruf nahi mungkar” mereka mengira bahwa rasa takut dan keengganan untuk beramar ma’ruf nahi mungkar dapat mempengaruhi Rizqi.

Sikap lurus (Istiqoamah) atas aqidah menimbulkan keyakinan bahwa keberanian untuk menyampaikan kebenaran dan memerangi kezaliman tidak akan mengurangi rizqi sedikit pun, dan sebaliknya ketakutan serta keengganan tidak akan menyebabkan bertambahnya rizqi.

KONSEKWENSIsudah dihadapkan kepada kita begitu Ruh (Ruhul Kudus), yang Kuasa yang ada pada kita dari yang Maha Kuasa Allah SWT, karena tanpa yang Kuasa tentunya kita tidak HIDUP sehingga hidup adalah UJIAN. Sesuatu keputusan yang harus diterima (wajib) mutlak dari yang Maha Haq, jika demikian sudah sepantasnya kita tidak mengeluh menerima cobaan yang Allah (Maha Memiliki) berikan sebab senang dan susah adalah sebuah cobaan, artinya sepanjang hidup apapun yang kita hadapi adalah merupakan cobaan semata.

AKU ciptakan manusia dengan sebaik baik bentuk/ setinggi tingginya (yang semua makhluk wajib tunduk padanya) dan akan AKU tempatkan ditempat yang serendah rendahnya. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman, dan baik perbuatan amal shalihnya, maka tiada henti pahala baginya

Allah SWT berfirman dalam Surat Al-Ankabut : 1 – 2

Ahasiban naasu ayyutroku ayyaquuluu aamannaa wahum laa yuftanuun

apakah manusia mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan : “kami telah ber-Iman sedang mereka dibiarkan tidak mendapat cobaan?

Walaqod fatannal ladziina min qoblihim fa-laya’laman nallaahul ladziima shodaquu walaya’lamannal kaadzibiin

dan sesungguhnya Kami (Allah) telah mencobai orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesunguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar (ber-Iman) dan Allah juga mengetahui siapa orang-orang yang berdusta.